Shady Creek
Anna McKenney Intermediate School
Shady Creek
May 19th - 24th, 2025

Since the 1950's, 5th and 6th grade students have had the opportunity to study natural sciences as well as creative writing, art, and social sciences during a week-long field trip to the Outdoor School. In June of 2008 we relocated the program, previously located at Wood-leaf, to Shady Creek Outdoor School.
The Shady Creek facility provides comfortable and safe housing for student use. The natural environment around Shady Creek is rich and diverse. Students have the opportunity to study in a forest, visit bird blinds to watch wildlife undetected, investigate aquatic life at the creek, meet Shady Creek's resident injured hawks and owls, explore many beautiful scenic areas, look at plant and animal life, study the stars, and many other subjects. The natural environment of Shady Creek Outdoor School provides a different kind of classroom. Students learn not only from instruction, but also through direct experience and observation. Conservation, ecology, environmental relationships, and natural resources are some of the subjects taught at Shady Creek.
In addition to their science classes, each student will take part in a unit on outdoor safety and wilderness survival. We hope to teach all students how to be wise and safe as they enjoy natural areas in the future. Shady Creek is not all class work. Classes are conducted by teachers with the help of Shady Creek's naturalists from 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. each day. Following classes, a great variety of recreational programs are offered including swimming, field sports, hiking, arts and crafts, and many special Shady Creek games such as "Black Bart Ball".
The Shady Creek facility provides comfortable and safe housing for student use. The natural environment around Shady Creek is rich and diverse. Students have the opportunity to study in a forest, visit bird blinds to watch wildlife undetected, investigate aquatic life at the creek, meet Shady Creek's resident injured hawks and owls, explore many beautiful scenic areas, look at plant and animal life, study the stars, and many other subjects. The natural environment of Shady Creek Outdoor School provides a different kind of classroom. Students learn not only from instruction, but also through direct experience and observation. Conservation, ecology, environmental relationships, and natural resources are some of the subjects taught at Shady Creek.
In addition to their science classes, each student will take part in a unit on outdoor safety and wilderness survival. We hope to teach all students how to be wise and safe as they enjoy natural areas in the future. Shady Creek is not all class work. Classes are conducted by teachers with the help of Shady Creek's naturalists from 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. each day. Following classes, a great variety of recreational programs are offered including swimming, field sports, hiking, arts and crafts, and many special Shady Creek games such as "Black Bart Ball".