Safe Routes to School
McKenney Safe Routes to School Fall 2016
McKenney Safe Routes to School Fall 2016![]()

- McKenney is participating in a Safe Routes to School Program this year, to encourage students to walk and bicycle to school safely. There are several key parts of this program.
- We will be providing tally sheets to count how many students are walking, bicycling, being driven, taking the bus, or carpooling. Teachers will be asked to fill the sheet out on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 1st and 2nd, so that we get an idea of how students are currently getting to school. We will collect the sheets after they are filled out.
- There are several fun events coming up: On October 27th, McKenney will participate in International Walk and Bike to School Day. Students will be encouraged to walk and bike to school, and teachers will count how many students arrive to school using each method. We will provide a tally poster for the day.
- There are suggested Route to School maps to help families plan safer routes to school. We can provide copies if students need them.
- \Marysville Suggested Routes to School Maps-5b1-5d.pdf